Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

I am what some people may lovingly refer to as a blog slacker. "Yes," I have a blog, and "No," I do not update it frequently. Let me apologize now, and move right on to the news. We are having a GIRL!!!!! We are still thinking of names. We will most likely come up with our top three and once we see her choose the name that fits.

As for the pregnancy, I am doing good. No more nausea!!! YEAH!!!!! I am, however, getting to that awkward stage where sinking into the couch cushions can become quite a dilemma. Luckily Brandon is there to offer a hand and help me up!

One last note, totally unrelated to the baby, is Brandon and I will be going to see the Phantom of the Opera performed at the Venetian in Las Vegas! We are SO EXCITED!!!! I will try to be good and update our blog with our trip. Till then, have fun!


Alan & Debbie said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! When are you guys going?

Sharlee said...

Yay! Congrats on the girl! Now you can go shopping (Park City outlets are the best... Carter's and Children's Place) And Phantom is the Best! I saw it last year with my mom and it was AMAZING! You will love it!

Megan said...

Congratulations! Picking names can be so hard--so good luck! I hope all is going well and I miss you guys!

Amy said...

Yeah! I have seen you since, but I thought I would still congtratulate you on the baby! I hope you have fun on your trip, you're probably back by now!. Amy