Monday, October 25, 2010


I know this might shock some of you, but this post is not about Kennedy. It's about me. For those of you who know me fairly well, you know that I have recently made the transition from a working mom to a stay-at-home mom. Wow! What an eye opener!

First off, I have learned that I did NOT appreciate my husband (while he was staying at home with Kennedy) as much as I should have. Being at home is a lot of work!

Second, I have learned that keeping a close relationship with my Savior is what keeps my life purposeful and grounded. You know that saying that goes something like, "If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy." Well....there is a lot of truth to that. Basically, if a mother's "spiritual well" is bone dry....her family will unfortunately suffer as well. 

Third, I have learned that in order to enjoy your child and not view parenting only as a list of responsibilities, you need to PLAY with your child. I know this sounds like common sense, but coming from a job where I had a lot of responsibilities...I sort of took the same approach to parenting. I was miserable. Then I realized I needed to "let it go," just relax, and enjoy playing with my child. Wow! What a difference this has made!

Lastly, I have learned that just when I think I have it all figured out...Kennedy decides to change and I am learning something new all over again! 

Well, thanks for enduring me on my soapbox! I just needed to get it out. :) 

Coming of Kennedy's Halloween outfit. I actually made part of the costume!

1 comment:

Sharlee said...

Oh, you've got it all figured out! Good job! I find that when I start needing adult socialization or confirmation I usually get a calling that gives it to me...Another reason the Church is great.:)