Saturday, May 10, 2008

This is my sister Debbie, AKA Debbers. As you can see, she is VERY pregnant. She is due in a month or two. I got to see Debbie about two weeks ago in Idaho. My family decided to throw a baby shower for both of my sisters (both are pregnant). They got a whole bunch of great stuff. I got a little baby hungry, but then the babies got fussy and the feeling wore off pretty quick.

I sometimes wonder if I'm going to have more patience with my own kids. Everyone is always saying that "it is different with your own kids." This might be true, but common sense keeps telling me that crying can get annoying no matter whose mouth it comes out of. I guess we shall see....

1 comment:

maggie-t said...

I love your blog! It is pretty fun. Thanks so much for coming over to dinner on Sunday. We had so much fun.

I totally know what you mean about getting baby hungry until the babies cry. So I have decided to just have babies that don't cry. I know it's not that realistic, but a girl can dream: )