Friday, October 8, 2010

Kennedy LOVES Music!

So Brandon decided to hook Kennedy up with some earphones and an MP3 player. At first it started off as a joke. It has slowly weaved its way into an addiction! She really likes Jack Johnson and Coldplay
This morning when we were driving Brandon to the park n' ride, I had 
the music turned on. I looked in the rear view mirror. There was Kennedy bobbing her head up and down to the rhythm. 

I'm not sure how much rhythm she'll have (since both of her parents are greatly lacking in that department), but she sure loves listening to her tunes!


Rasmussen Family said...

it's amazing to realize what these little ones pick up! they really pay attention to EVERYTHING we do and say!

Alisha said...

Jack Johnson and Coldplay? Classy lady! ;) I love Jack and Coldplay! (and yes, my hair was mistakenly died almost first it was frightening but I've grown slightly fond of it)...

Sharlee said...

You know how I love walking? I have my MP3s, Hyrum has my old disc-man and Weston has my old OLD walk-man I got in 3rd grade... Makes for happy walking times! Now I guess we'll have to walk while Hyrum's at school so Afton can have the walk-man... :)