This is a lovely picture depicting my
"love affair" with exercise. As you can see, the treadmill and stability ball are in the background. I think they have been in that position for about a week. The smile that you see in this inspiring photograph is genuine. Don't fool yourself...I am
simply ecstatic about exercise.
Okay...honestly...I wish I didn't hate exercise so much. Then again, maybe I wouldn't hate exercise so much if I was in better shape and it didn't
kick my butt to run a mile or lift some weights.
Hey Amy,
Don't worry I don't like to work out all of the time either. As long as you start up again that is all that matters. As for me that won't be until after the holidays! =)
Im snooping. It's Kjell's sister, Starr. Do you remember me? ANyway, get on that tredmil and start with ONE THING AT A TIME. I started with just walking-outside (in March-Aptilish of this year), now I am running (today I ran 6 miles) and I ran in 5 races now this year. One thing at a time. How about trying 10-15 minutes today and 20 crunches? Thats it and tom try buming it up. One thing at a time. It cannot be all or nothing.
BTW, YOU ARE GORGEOUS. You have such great skin.
Get on that tredmil and then tell me about it...
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